Why You Should Get Baby Chair Harness for Your Toddler

an artificial jellyfish

Do you think a high chair would be safe for your child? The answer is not always yes. In my experience, there’s an alarming increase int he number of high chair injuries.

According to a study, there’s 22% increase in high-chair related incidents in children ages 3 and under. This study highlights safety issues with the chairs themselves. Or it may show that parents might not using the restraints, or not using them effectively.

The accidents mostly happened when a child stands on the chair. The falls might cause head, neck, and facial injuries, including bruises, cuts, or even concussions.

Here are some tips to keep your child safe using a baby high chair harness. Make sure that you follow these safety tips:


1. Make sure that the strap at the crotch is secured so your baby could sits tight without wriggling around.

2. Make a routine of using the high chair only for meal time, not for playtime.

3. Use the adjustable waist and shoulder strap to tighten the seat.

4. Keep an eye all the time when they sit on the high chair.

5. Never allow them to stand or climb in the chair.

6. Don’t put the high chair near the counter tops as they could push the chair over using their legs.

7. Periodically check for recals before and after buying a high chair.

Don’t ever let your baby stand or play on chairs or use them as ladders to reach high things. There are numerous emergency calls for falls from regular chairs, not to mention high chairs.

Put furniture safety for baby

As your baby grows, they might become more active than ever. Standing or climbing on furniture might just be the result of their curiosity. Chairs and tables can tip or toppe over, and babies kan fall onto hard surfaces or heavy object like TVs can fall onto them.

It is in the top priority of every parent to keep their children safe. Keep an eye of babies when they play and to teach them from an early age about the boundaries of what is safe. This will ingrain the behaviors as they grow.

I have a recommendation if you’re going to buy a chair harness. You can go to Amazon and get the one from Baby HighChair Harness. The product was made with good material, reasonable price, and have all the features your baby’s need.

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